Hey folks, This week I hosted the first live ensemble programming session. It went really well. We had fun and learned a lot. If you’d like to get in on these types of sessions, let me know and I’ll be sure you get a special invitation for the next series. I really believe that this form of instruction is critical to making the material learned in compact workshops stick for the long term. I hope you had fun working with the broken axis chart last week! This week I want you to look at Figures 5 of “Strategies for effective high pressure germination or inactivation of Bacillus spores involving nisin ” by Rosa Heydenreich and colleagues, which was recently published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. You probably would like a little context. This is from a paper looking at using pressure to get bacteria to form spores or leave the spore state. The analysis was done before and after a heat treatment (as indicated in the legend) using four different methods (across the x-axis). They measured the number of spores observed for each condition and expressed it as the log fraction of the number of the number of spores put into the experiment (No = 10^9). The error bars indicate the standard deviation across at least three independent experiments. What type of plot is this? What stands out to you about this figure? What do you like about it? What don’t you like about it? Can you outline the steps you would take to generate the figure? What are some of the steps you aren’t sure about and would like to learn? These are questions that I’d strongly encourage you to ask about any visual you are looking at because I think they’ll help you to develop your “taste” in data visualizations and strengthen you skills in generating those visualizations. This is a bar plot. Here are five things that caught my eye. First, this bar plot has it’s x-axis at the top and descends into negative log values. Second, they have hashing in the bars for the “after heat” category. Third, their legend is below the plot, has italics, and has a box around it. Fourth, they only have horizontal grid lines with a thicker, dashed grid line to indicate the limit of detection at -8. Finally, I noticed that the tick marks move into plot rather than default of plot. Here’s some data for you to experiment with:
First, let’s talk about the bar plot. You may be tempted to use The second eye catcher is that they have diagonal lines for the bars representing what happened after the heat treatment. I think this general look comes to us from many years of using M$Excel. My personal preference would be to leave out the diagonal hashing since I think it unnecessarily clutters the bars. Why not use the two shades of blue and call it a day? Anyway, there is a cool looking Third, they were able to format their treatment categories so that they could nicely tuck the legend on the left side of the axis. How’d they do that? I’d likely use Fourth, they have done some interesting things with their grid lines. If you use the Finally, the plot is doing interesting things with the x-axis ticks by having them go into the plot and by removing them from the y-axis. How would you do that? If your mind went to There’s a lot of cool stuff going on in a relatively simple plot! I’m not sure what software they used to make this plot, but it has some really nice points. The more I looked at this figure, the more things I noticed are different from the default As always if you have a cool plot you’d like to share with me for a future newsletter, feel free to reply to this email. Oh yeah, that
In case you missed it, I have nine kids ranging in age from 23 to 7 that my wife homeschools. They’re a riot. Each of them has to find a way to be different from all of the others. This makes for some real characters. Let me introduce you to Peter. This week, Peter, who is 11, has been working on a times table. You may remember these from when you were a kid. Say you want to know what 7 times 8 is (this was always my hardest “times” to remember). You take your finger down the rows to the...
Hey folks, I’m really enjoying sharing with you my 30,000 foot view of how I would go about making figures that I find in the “wild”. Following up on these emails with a couple of related YouTube videos has been a lot of fun for me. Of course if you find any figures you like, send them my way - I love seeing what interests you all. I was reminded recently though that not everyone feels enough confidence with their R and tidyverse skills to keep up. Sorry! Towards the bottom of this email I...
Hey folks, We’re still slogging our way through Thanksgiving leftovers. As time passes from last Thursday, there’s a fine line between setting a good example about not wasting food and setting a bad example by getting every food poisoning! Speaking of eating, our teeth are pretty important, don’t you think? In the US, Trump’s expected head for the Department of Health and Human Services has a number of interesting views about health. One example is that its a bad idea to spike our drinking...