Hey folks, Did you know that March is Women’s History Month? Each year The Economist updates what they call the “Glass Ceiling Index”. This is a measure of “the role and influence of women in the workforce”. It’s an aggregate of ten factors including the gender gap in wages, work force participation, and higher education. Sadly, the article is behind a paywall. They also haven’t made their data publicly available. Regardless, you can get a static copy of the article through archiv.is. Here’s the graphic that appears to most popular when you google for the index. What stands out to you about this figure? To me, it’s interesting that the countries at the top tend to stay at the top and those in the bottom tend to stay at the bottom. The countries in the middle are a bit of a jumbled mess. Poland has taken a nose dive since 2016 while Britain has climbed. The U.S. has been pretty steady between 18th and 20th place. One critique is that this shows the relative trends and not the absolute. All the countries could be getting better on each factor, but we wouldn’t see it here. We’d only see whether a country is improving at the same, better, or worse rate than other countries. Graphically, what stands out to you? What would interest you most to see done in R? Here are my first thoughts… At first glance, this is a line plot with 30 lines. Line plots can be generated using Alternatively, we could try using A second interesting component to the figure is that the lines/polygons are colored according to the ranking from 2024. Normally, we could pull this off with A third element that catches my eye is the order of the lines. They appear to have been laid down on the “plotting canvas” in ranked order. We’ll need to make sure this happens with our recreation. This is the type of thing I’d do with A fourth element that stands out to me is that the countries are ordered on the left side for 2016 and the right side for 2024. The left side is easy enough to do with setting the y-axis text in Finally, the x-axis has the four digit year for 2016 and the last two digits of each year for the even years that follow. That’s easy enough to do with Oof. This is going to be challenging! But, I’m excited to learn more about
Hey folks, This has been a busy week! I’ve been on campus teaching a 3 day, all day, R class. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these live workshops off campus. If you’re interested in me coming to your campus, you coming to Michigan, or being in a Zoom-based workshop, please let me know! I really love being able to interact with you all in workshops. If your experience has been at all like my own the past month or so, your conversations have all had a tinge of anxiety about the...
Hey folks, I really hope you enjoyed the series of newsletters and videos of me recreating the visualizations presented by W.E.B. DuBois at the 1900 Paris Exposition. I can’t express how much I enjoyed making them. Some of them were pretty tricky and required a lot of work. But I think it was worth it! It definitely forced me to use some new-to-me tools like geom_polygon() and geom_sf(). Please let me know what you thought of the series! I wonder if there’d be any interest in a companion to...
Hey folks, I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed recreating the “data portraits” from the collection of visualizations that WEB DuBois and his colleagues presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition. You can find the entire collection of “data portraits” in a book assembled by Whitney Battle-Baptiste and Britt Rusert (here) or as a collection of plates through the Library of Congress (here). Perhaps this isn’t so obvious to my non-US readers and viewers, but February is Black History month. In...